Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dedicated to my friend Shana Marie Green

On Point (Life of a well-kept woman)

I keep it tight and everything on point not for the boys playing men, but
I do if for the love----
The love of me is what makes me stay on point.
I don’t need a shallow perception of who others think I should claim to be.
Nor do I sustain off the glam of the words of those who starve to fit.
I conform to my own way of living because my life isn’t fulfilled by man but by God alone.
The point is the essence of who I am and strive to be.
It is the inner strength that supports me when I am torn down by the stereotypical malarkey
I am horse fed by the masses who only want to change me into a manufactured image of the ideal woman.
I do it for the love----
The love of me is what makes me take that extra minute in the mirror.
I don’t need a shallow perception of who others seek to make me be.
Nor is my thirst for excellence quenched by people’s unhealthy admiration.
I transformed from a girl, to a lady, and now a woman because I decided to make it a point of importance in my life to keep myself on point.
I do it for the love--- the love of me.


  1. I love it! You captured how I feel and expressed it beautifully! I wish your writing career the best of luck! You truly have a gift! -shana

  2. Thanks Shana! I am happy you love it!


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